Collegiate Peaks Wilderness: 2008 Backpacking Trip
As promised, a few posts on our recent backpacking trip are forthcoming, including pictures from the great wide open.
Our destination was the Collegiate Peaks Wilderness of Colorado, which is directly West of Colorado Springs about 2 hours. This area is located in the San Isabel National Forest and part of the Sawatch Mountain range; named Collegiate Peaks because a handful of the key mountains are named for universities (e.g. – Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Oxford, etc.)
My best estimation is that we hiked a total of 20 miles, including a non-pack ascent of Mt. Yale. In backpacking terms, it wasn’t really a long trip distance-wise, but in my opinion it was quite difficult. Maybe I’m just getting old, and sitting in a cubicle 50 hours a week is catching up with me, but several stretches of our trip took lot of effort. But the effort was worth it and the views incredible at multiple points.
So over the next few posts as I write about each of our days on the trip I’ll include some pictures, and I’ll refer to my new best friend, the Google Map. Of course, I couldn’t help myself – I had to plot out our route on the map, and I’ll refer to it as I write. If you want to check out our route, you can see it here (and be sure to change the view to ‘Terrain’, it’s more interesting that way).
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