onethousand & 1 albums
As much as I love music, I’m ashamed to say that I am a very uneducated music lover. I’ve kind of found that niche thing that I really like, and now try to find other artists that fit into that niche. It’s a very closed minded way to experience music. As a result, I’m embarrassed to say that I’ve never actually listened to a Doors, Ray Charles, or Stevie Wonder album the whole way through from start to finish. Yeah… sad isn’t it?
I’m going to venture to change that over the next year. I’m blessed, so to speak, with a job that involves sitting at a desk for 8+ hours per day, which is a perfect opportunity to expand my musical horizons and deepen my education. As any good student I will have a textbook. 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die by Robert Dimery will be my text. I will study perhaps 2-3 albums, every work day, until I have completed. I will study chronologically, beginning in the 1950’s with Frank Sinatra’s “In The Wee Small Hours”. I will end with the 2005 release of The White Stripes album “Get Behind Me Satan”.
Most of this music I probably won’t like…. Somehow I’ll suffer through the 80’s and get through Cyndi Lauper and ABBA. But I’m looking forward to a lot of it… hey, a list with 4 U2 records and 5 Bruce Springsteen records can’t be that bad.
In the meantime, enjoy the new Kings Of Leon record. I’m a fan…. (by the way, these song recommendations that I give are free, full length previews through Rhapsody – you should check it out).
Today you should listen to…
Kings Of Leon “On Call”
I don’t know much about the bands that you mentioned, but I do know that I heard a Doors album playing in a coffee shop and it was so nauseating that I wanted to gouge out my eyes and put them in my ears to block out the sound. Instead of doing that I left–but honestly I could not stand it. I almost wrote a blog entry on this event, in fact. I can listen to a huge variety of music, and even if it isn’t spectacular it doesn’t cause me pain. Somehow the Doors managed to make pain and annoyance into “musical” (used very loosely) form. As far as I know, they are unique in this accomplishment. Sorry for the mini-rant, but it saves me a blog post of my own, and I’m hoping it could save someone else some agony.
Hope you kids have a fantastic Easter…
glad you were able to keep your eyes in about the situation jordan. happy Easter to you as well.